Passionate Pursuits: Aligning My Career with My Heartfelt Drives

Health & Fitness

Health and fitness have always been an immense passion of mine, deeply ingrained in my life since a young age. I have found that living an active and healthy lifestyle improves not just my mental health but also my productivity in all facets of my work. During my final year project, I identified a gap in the market for a female-only running club. Inspired by my goal of promoting running among women, I decided to start my club. I've kept up my weekly run club, creating a community that is encouraging and welcoming. Additionally, my lifelong participation in netball, starting from primary school and progressing to the BUCS university league, has instilled within me a profound appreciation for community and support. In particular, running has equipped me with a strong mindset and has proven that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. I strive to incorporate these values into my work and working style, recognising the transformative impact they can have.


Since a teen, publication has captivated me, igniting my passion for the fashion industry and fuelling my desire to work in the creative industry. I vividly remember collecting Vogue magazines, immersing myself in the captivating imagery, captivating layouts, and overall essence of the publication. It was this initial fascination that propelled me to explore the world of fashion publication further. During my time at university, I had the opportunity to work on a live client brief with TSPTR, a notable experience that deepened my passion. Trips to zine shops opened new avenues of inspiration and creativity. Motivated by these experiences, I designed and printed my own zine for my final year project. Throughout my professional placement, I honed my copywriting abilities and creating zines provided a platform for me to leverage both my literary and design skills. There is nothing quite like the gratifying feeling of holding a tangible, printed zine that represents my creative work.

See my zine here!


I am a strong believer in the value of getting inspiration from a variety of historical and artistic sources. For me, art galleries are both a haven and a classroom. They provide me with invaluable opportunities to learn about a variety of subjects, explore past events, and obtain ideas for new projects. I find that I deepen my knowledge of the world and inspire my creative endeavours by delving into the many fields of art and culture. Every exhibition provokes fresh thoughts and insights.


Reading is not just a hobby for me, it is also a great way to keep my brain active, expand my knowledge and vocabulary. I enjoy reading different genres, both fiction and non-fiction, and I believe it benefits me in my own work. In my opinion, it is crucial to have a broad understanding of culture and society and be a generalist, and reading helps me achieve that.