Recognising the poignant lack of female participation in running clubs, often stemming from a fear of judgment, I spearheaded the creation of 'STRIDE' – a trailblasing female-only run club designed to foster a supportive and empowering community. This initiative aimed to address the gap in the market, where existing "cool and trendy" run clubs were predominantly male-dominated, speed-focused, and overwhelmed by TikTok micro-influencers – an environment that could potentially fuel insecurities and deter beginner runners. Additionally, while female-run clubs were available, they tended to adopt traditional feminine ideologies, such as an overabundance of pink aesthetics.

'STRIDE' was conceived as a refreshing alternative, offering a motivating, trendy, and inclusive space for women to grow as runners. The community was centred around the colour green, symbolising growth and positive change, setting the tone for a nurturing and inspiring environment.

Complementing the weekly run club sessions, I produced the 'STRIDE' Zine – a bi-annual publication distributed to all members. This meticulously curated zine featured a diverse array of content, including interviews with industry professionals, valuable tips, styling pages, curated running playlists, and insightful articles exploring the correlation between menstrual cycles and running performance.

Throughout the development and execution of this project, I showcased a multitude of skills:

1.     Creative Writing: The zine showcased my creative writing abilities, as I crafted engaging and informative articles that resonated with the target audience.

2.     Design and Communication: Leveraging my design and communication skills, I created a visually captivating and cohesive zine that effectively communicated the ethos and values of 'STRIDE'.

3.     Digital Literacy: To complement the physical zine, I developed a promotional Instagram page, demonstrating my proficiency in digital marketing and social media strategy. This platform served not only to boost membership but also to educate and support runners through valuable tips, advice, and a sense of community.

4.     Creativity: The entire project, from conceptualisation to execution, required a high degree of creativity, as I curated a unique and appealing experience that stood out in the crowded market.

5.     Leadership: Spearheading 'STRIDE' and the accompanying zine highlighted my leadership skills, as I navigated the challenges of building a community, managing a team, and consistently delivering a high-quality product.

The success of 'STRIDE' and its accompanying zine underscored my ability to identify and address a market gap, leverage my diverse skill set, and create a meaningful and impactful experience for the target audience. This project exemplified my passion for promoting inclusivity, empowerment, and personal growth through innovative and engaging platforms

Pages from STRIDE Zine

STRIDE Social Media

Concept Devlopment for STRIDE